Nusantara National Capital Authority Signs NDA with Two Investors from Singapore at Ecosperity Week 2023

Singapore –   Nusantara National Capital Authority (NNCA) signs Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with State Power Investment Cooperation (SPIC) and JOE Green Pte Ltd at Ecosperity Week, Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Hall, Singapore, on Thursday (8/62023). The signing shows that investment projects at Nusantara are strongly progressing.

These NDA signing is an evidence that Nusantara is making progress with international investors especially from Singapore. The sustainability of Singapore as a garden city will play an impact for Nusantara as a smart sustainable forest city.

Agung Wicaksono, Deputy Chairman of Funding and Investment signs the NDA with Steven Yeo, Advisor of State Power Investment Corporation, and with BoedimanWidjaja, Managing Director of JOE Green Pte Ltd.

The two-company who work on renewable energy and waste management, are align with the NNCA’s top priority sector. Nusantara aims to build up to 7,16 gigawatt from renewable energy power plant to accommodate 1,9 billion population in 2045. The NDA will be followed up by data exchange to formulate the feasibility study as well as economics and market aspect of the investment.

NNCA commits to welcome all investors through Public Private Partnership, direct investment scheme along with tax and non-tax incentives, including land right up to 95 years.“NNCA have more than 300 investment packages with the total value 2,6 Billion USD consist of six top priority and twelve high priority sectors,”Agung Wicaksono said.

“SPIC believes that Nusantara is a great investment opportunity and we look forward to collaborate together,” Steven Yeo said after the signing NDA. Furthermore, BoedimanWidjaja also said that “JOE Green is committed to support the sustainability through recycling material, and Nusantara with all of the incentives is a perfect place to invest.”

Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Singapore, H.E. SuryoPratomo, who witnessed the NDA signing welcomed the NDA signing which shows SPIC and Joe Green’s strong commitment to materialize their investments in the Nusantara development.  The two companies are among those that show great support to IKN since the beginning. Not only offering their Letter of Intent, they even participated in the

‘Singapore Business Mission to Nusantara’ organized by the Embassy of Indonesia on 31 May 2023 to see directly Nusantara’s progress. The Ambassador looks forward to more NDA’s signing on Nusantara projects between NNCA and Singapore’s investors in the near future.

Nusantara, officially the Capital City of Nusantara is the future Indonesia capital as stipulated and regulated by Law No. 3 of 2022. Located on the east coast of the island of Borneo.

Nusantara covers area of almost 4x Jakarta, which is approximately 256,142 hectares and sea covering 68,189 hectares. Nusantara will change the orientation of development to become more Indonesia-centric and accelarate the country’s economic transformation. The Nusantara National Capital Authority (NNCA) is the Authority executive to managing and governing the Nusantara.

NNCA is a cabinet level-agency formed by Indonesian government, working directly under the President of Indonesia. The Authority will support preparation, construction and final move to Nusantara.(*)

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